Sombrio Beach WandersEmily JohnsonMarch 23, 2014adventure, beach, forest, friends, hike, spring, victoria, walkComment
adventure preview WandersEmily JohnsonMarch 21, 2014beach, friends, hike, spring, sun, victoria, walkComment
long overdue... WandersEmily JohnsonMarch 4, 2014beach, crescent beach, family, friends, home, rain, reading break, spring, vancouver, walk, winter Comment
Birthday Bike WandersEmily JohnsonMarch 31, 2013beach, family, family day, food, spring, sun, vancouverComment
Beach Walk WandersEmily JohnsonFebruary 24, 2013beach, family, picture of the day, sister, walkComment
Fairhaven WandersEmily JohnsonFebruary 19, 2013america, fairhaven, family, picture of the day, reading breakComment