Cashmere & Plaid

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For those of you who don't know, I am a Harry Potter fan.  I have it inked on my body for eternity, know most of the words to most of the movies, and have reread all the books multiple times.  I have yet to get to Florida or the UK to do any proper Potter tours but you can bet they are all on my to do list.  I every winter, while watching one of the movie, I always get jealous of Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they sit in the Three Broomsticks, sipping on butterbeer.  They just make it look so darn good.I've been looking up recipes for awhile now, but none of them seemed all that appealing to me.  Most of them were unbelievably full of sugar and a lot of them were cold.  I'm sorry, but in what universe is the butterbeer in the wizarding world ever consumed cold?!  I hear that's how they serve it in Florida, but that's probably just because it's too hot there to drink anything that isn't cold...  ANYWAY.  I sort of made this recipe up as I went and built off of some of the other recipes I found online.  I think this is a really good base but it definitely has room to make adjustments.  I think that next time I make it I'll put a shot of espresso in it, or maybe even add some pumpkin (would that be nasty?).  You could also make this an "adult" beverage by adding some butterscotch schnaps to it.


  • butterscotch chips
  • milk
  • whipping cream
  • vanilla
  • cinnamon


  1. Combine the milk and chips over heat and stir until melted (this can also be done with a milk steamer on an espresso machine if you have one)
  2. Set warm mixture aside and whip your cream.  You really don't want it to be too sweet so don't add much (if any) sugar to the whipped cream.  Just a splash of vanilla and you should be set.
  3. Pour your mixture into a mug, put a generous dollop of whipped cream on top, sprinkle with a few extra chips and cinnamon.
  4. Take a sip, close your eyes,  and let yourself be transported to Hogsmeade!