Cashmere & Plaid

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Hallelujah!  This week has been so busy.  Two tests and a mini paper yesterday.  I'm pooped.  Good thing it's reading break and I get to go home and do some much needed relaxing!

Best part of the week: getting my tests and paper behind me.

Worst part of the week: writing my stats test.  That shiz is hard.

Something I'm looking forward to: as I just mentioned, reading break is here.  I am very much looking forward to going home and seeing people I haven't seen in faaaar to long.

Something I'm grateful for: blogs.  I love how inspiring they are.  Each one is so different and has so much to offer.  I love waking up in the morning and scrolling through Bloglovin, reading all the latest posts from my favourite internet people!  Here are some of my favourites from this week:

Biggest Pet Peeve: my list of pet peeves is alarmingly long... but I think my biggest one is when people on the bus haven't done anything to buffer their bodily odour.  I understand that people can smell.  Working hard, being anxious, getting excited, whatever it is that causes you to sweat cannot be helped.  What CAN be helped, however, is the odour you carry around with you.  There is this really cool thing called deodorant that you can put on in the morning and reapply as necessary so as not to make the people around you pass out.  There is this other thing called showering.  I'm slightly hypocritical in saying this because I have been known to go slightly longer than I should when it comes to showering but I feel like I usually take the necessary precautions in concern for the people around me.  Perfume, deodorant, dry shampoo etc etc.  So please people, if you are going to leave your house and will come in contact with any other human being, be considerate.  Spritz a little somin somin