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2014: A Year in Review


As the year comes to a close, I thought I'd take some time to go over my year on the inter web.  I picked the top 3 posts on the blog (as determined by my stats), my favourite three bloggers, and my three favourite YouTube channels.  The last two lists are not even close to exhaustive and I've found so much inspiring content online this past year, but to keep it short and sweet I just did 3's.  What were your favourite things online this year? Did you have a favourite blog post, blogger, or youtuber this year? Let me know below! I would also love it if you would take the survey I've made just so I can find out a little bit more about my readers and start to plan for the coming year!

Top Posts of 2014

DIY Tea Bags

1. DIY Tea Bags: this post was way more popular than I thought it would be! Inspired by the David's Tea bags that they sell, I set out to make my own.  I published the post on Twitter and David's Tea retweeted it and sent people to check out my blog!!  It was the coolest moment of my blogging career so far.

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway

2. Feel The Fear and Do it Anyway:  this was my "coming out" post.  I had been a closeted blogger for a little over a year but had never done anything to let people know about it out of fear of being judged.  In this post, I talked about feeling afraid of what people would think, but sharing with the world anyway!

A Week of Outfits

3.  A Week of Outfits:  This was my very first style post that I was in.  I had done an essentials post before, but this was the first time I "modelled" for the blog.  Not going to lie, it was kind of really strange/scary.

Favourite Blogs of 2014

Hey Natalie Jean Banner

Hey Natalie Jean was probably my most favouritest blog of 2014.  There isn't a thing about her and her blog that I don't love.  I feel like we're just chatting when I'm reading her posts.  They're so funny and entertaining but at the same time she talks about the serious and difficult things in life, too.  If you haven't read her blog yet, you should probably mosey on over.

Treasures and Travels Banner

I think I talk about these guys the most.  But it's just because I really love their blog!  Their whole aesthetic is just so great and the photos that accompany all the posts are always so beautiful.  I love that they cover such a huge variety of topics, from DIYs, to style, to recipes, they've got it all over there!

Love Taza Banner

Love Taza is so great when you're in need of dose of adorable kids and great writing.  Naomi writes insightful posts and her photos of her kids are always so beautiful.  There is so much joy in everything that she posts about and while she writes more for other moms, the little insights into her day and watching as her littles grow up is really something special.

Favourite YouTubers of 2014

Zoella Banner

I've been watching Zoella since before this year, but she's definitely my favourite so she had to be included in this list!  I absolutely love how real she is.  She is fun and silly but isn't afraid of talking about the not-so-great things in her life.  I think she's a great role model for all the people who watch her.

Hannah Maggs Banner

Hannah, Stephan, and Grayson are the cutest little family from London, UK.  They post every Sunday and it's become sort of like a TV episode that I look forward to before I start my week!  The videos are vlogs, not videos of how to or beauty or anything really, although that is how she started, but I love just hanging out with them as they go through their week.

Hello October Banner

Hello October is a beauty/lifestyle youtube channel.  She shares little snippets of her life through occasional vlogs and does beauty and style videos frequently.  I don't know what it is about her, but I just find it relaxing listening to her chat.