Cashmere & Plaid

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Happy Friday y'all! I'm going to see how a regular Friday post goes...  I really love little glimpses into the lives of the other bloggers I read so I thought I'd start my own little end-of-the-week series about the goings on in my life!  I picked the questions based on what my mom would ask us at the dinner table most nights when we were growing up, but if you have any other questions you would like to ask, feel free!  (PS the last question will change weekly.  Just to keep you on your toes!)

Best Part of the Week: On Tuesday Brittney and I spent our afternoon shopping, eating, and just hanging out.  Even though we live together, I really love it when we get to do best friend-y things instead of just existing in the same place together.

Worst Part of the Week: I've actually had a pretty good week..  I guess the worst part was just sitting in class.  But even that wasn't so bad!  I only have two full days of class a week, so I can't really complain!

One Thing I'm Grateful For: I am grateful that the teachers and the government finally came to an agreement, ending the teachers' strike here in BC.  This has been affecting pretty much every person I know for the past little while so it's nice knowing that even though I'm sure some students aren't exactly thrilled to get back to it, school will be back in session on Monday!

If you had to be any animal for the rest of your life, which one would you be?: I think I would pick either a gorilla or a chimp.  I just read an article about male chimps killing other adult chimps though, so maybe I'll just be a gorilla!

Happy weekending friends, and I will see you all soon!