Cashmere & Plaid

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DIY Anthropologie Inspired Trinket Dish

I am all about saving money.  But I also like to shop.  Online, in stores... Buuuut I'd way rather make something instead of buy it if I can.  There is something so satisfying about recreating something and knowing that you made it and it also helps to know that your wallet is thanking you, too.  As soon as I saw this on the Anthropologie website, much like the driftwood picture frame, I knew I could make it.  And once I saw the $38 price tag I was absolutely certain that no matter how it turned out, I'd be happy.


  • oven bake clay
  • black paint & paint brush
  • mod podge
  • curved oven safe item (bowl, cupcake tin...)


  1. Warm up the clay in your hands
  2. Form it into a flat circle by either rolling it out or using your hands
  3. place it over the curved object to help it keep its shape while it's baking
  4. Bake according to the instructions on the package but keep in mind that the dish is quite thin so make sure to keep an eye on it and check it sooner than the instructions say
  5. Let the dish cool completely before painting
  6. Paint the dish in whatever way you like (note: if you end up unhappy with the design, once it's dry use sandpaper to rub it off and start again)
  7. Once the paint has dried, paint a layer of mod podge over it to seal it, let it dry completely and start putting your trinkets in it!

By no means is this an exact replication.  It's full of imperfections but I kind of like that about it - it's got that homemade touch! Added bonus: it was practically free!