Cashmere & Plaid

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This week was full of so many ups and downs. I think there’s something about this time of year that makes me feel all my feeling so much more intensely than other times of the year. I feel my “happies” so hard and my “sads” so deeply and I feel like I’m always trying to manage all the feels…

Best part of the week: Yesterday was a really good day. I had a really peaceful start in my apartment, walked to work in the drizzle, spent the first hour of my day quietly working in an inflatable glitter chair, then spent the rest of the day in “meetings” (they were really just amazing conversations with stupendous people talking about all the super awesome things they’re doing for their businesses). When I got home I lit my new Honey Tobacco candle, had a shower and lay in bed writing and reading.

Worst part of the week: I had a full on major freakin’ meltdown on Tuesday night. I’m on a super strict diet for a slew of food intolerances/allergies so the things I can eat are very limited. It’s been super hard but I felt like I was starting to get it all under control. But then on Tuesday night I really wanted something truly delicious so I made a smoothie. It turned out absolutely terrible and it sort of just pushed me over the edge. I called my family and bawled my eyes out at the unfairness of my life (not to be dramatic or anything…), went to bed with puffy eyes, and woke up feeling quite a bit better. For those of you who know me you know that I eat like a toddler - cheerios and craisins, peanut butter and jam sandwiches, baked goods and Panago plain cheese pizza have sustained me for the last 25 years. So having to completely change my diet has thrown me off my game a bit… 

Something I’m grateful for: places that have perfected gluten free baked goods (I’m looking at you Nourish)

Something I’m excited for: We just officially took on a project at work that I am stoked out of my mind to get to be a part of. I’m so excited about it that I work on it even when I get home from my work day.

191) What was the last book you read? I am currently reading Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and it’s really got me thinking and reflecting on myself. Like so many others, one of the things I crave most in life is connection. I’m not about superficial relationships or having a million friends that I flit between. I want deep, meaningful relationships and this book is really helping me identify what I need to do in order to make that happen. 

Happy weekending my dearest darlings! May your days off be spent curled up under blankets, surrounded by sweet smelling candles and endless cups of your favourite seasonal beverage!