Best Part of the Week: This was a really great week!  I had a couple of really exciting things happen that I can't share just yet, but let me just say that I am SO STOKED.

Worst Part of the Week: one of my professors made me cry this week... Not in class and not in front of her, but I sat in class holding back the tears for about half an hour before finally getting out and phoning my mom. Why are some people so mean and dumb?

Something I'm Grateful For: it's so hard for me to pick just one thing this week.  I was so full of gratitude all week as all sorts of great things just kept happening.  I'm grateful for the generosity of others, I'm grateful for the opportunities I've been given, I'm grateful for lazy, slow days that let me sit around and knit, I'm grateful for the people who believe in me, I'm grateful for all of the people I get to share exciting things with.... The list could just keep going!

Something I'm Looking Forward To:  I am officially on reading break!  So I am very much looking forward to parking it on this here couch, knitting until my fingers fall off, getting all caught up on school work and seeing some people I haven't seen in a while!

358) What's your favourite Disney movie? The Lion King.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend full of friends, family, tasty food, cuddles, movies, and anything else that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy!