TGIF (feat. Galiano Island)


Happy Friday peeps! I was going through the photos of Galiano to pick the best ones to post and I realized that of the over 175 photos I had, only 6 could be posted respectfully. All the other ones had faces or questionable behaviours happening in them so out of respect for my fellow hooligans I'm only sharing these ones. Plus no one really wants photos of them after 4/5 days of camping posted on the internet for all to see.

Best part of the week: I tried not using my phone before bed this week and instead spent my time reading. It was a nice change and a good way to unwind after my days spent on a screen.

Worst part of the week: This one is a tie this week.. On Saturday night I had a violent episode of food not agreeing with me while we were downtown for dinner. I'll leave it at that but just know that it was not a good time. But on Monday we said goodbye to our Scottish family. That was equally as sucky. It was so nice having them with us for a few weeks; the house felt so much fuller and there were always conversations and laughter happening somewhere. 

Something I'm grateful for: My job. I am loving it so much and I feel so lucky that this is what I get to do. I'm working with a good mix of people who all do different things which makes my life more interesting and keeps the creativity busy. I was rereading Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic this week and there were so many great reminders in there about creativity and work and life and it just had me feeling super grateful that I am making my way in a creative field.

Something I'm excited for: I spent my spare time working on various embroidery projects. During that time I started cooking up some fun ideas that I'm super pumped about but not quite ready to share. I will keep you posted but for now I'm just excited to have a potentially super cool/fun/awesome side project to work on.

728) Have you ever appeared on YouTube? Not that I know of! With all of the vloggers out there I'm sure there is a possibility that I've vlog-bombed accidentally... but as far as I know I am not on the YouTubes.

That's all from me folks! Happy weekending!