defiant finn
photo editing in bed with finn
coffee + mom jeans
abeego juice

Best part of the week: Yesterday I slept in until 8:20 and still made it to school on time. That’s an accidental sleep in of almost a full hour so I felt wonderful in my 7 hour coding class.

Worst part of the week: All. The. Rain. I hardly remember what life is like when it isn’t raining. (the photo of Finn outside was taken last week).

Something I’m grateful for: Umbrellas - because it’s nice not looking like a drowned rat every time you come in from outside.

Something I’m excited for: I have a hair appointment today! I haven’t had my hair cut since last March so it’s looking pretty gnarly..

491) Have you ever been in a position of authority? When I was in high school was the editor of the yearbook. I’m also an older sister.

Happy weekending friends! I’ll be studying for two tests, working on three websites, and trying to fit some good ol’ homework assignments in mine so be sure to have some fun on my behalf!