TGIF: Featuring Vancouver We Day
Team Orange takes We Day
JRDN killin' it
Paige Glazier about to do her thang in front of 20 000 people!
Best Part of the Week: Yesterday I had a paper due and a midterm. Getting home yesterday afternoon, plopping down on the couch, and knowing that I had 24 hours before I had to start thinking about the next assignment/paper/test was glorious.
Worst Part of the Week: As far as school went, this was the week from he!!. Papers, midterms, quizzes... I got hit with it all. And roomie has mono, so that sucks.
Something I'm Grateful For: Mummas! Both my mumma and roomie's mumma came at different times this week. It was really great to get to see them.
Something I'm Looking Forward To: Reading Break! It's still two weeks away, but we're sooo close!
117) Do you prefer liquid soap or bar soap? For basic hand washing purposes, liquid. For full on washing in the shower, bar.
Have a fun, safe Halloween and I will see you Monday!