Joffre Lake-17.jpg

**a few more photos from the Joffre Lake trip from a few weeks back**

Best part of the week: I checked off just about alllll my Christmas shopping this week so that felt pretty stellar. I’ve also been finishing up Etsy orders like mad the past few nights so that’s been fabulous as well.

Worst part of the week: There were a few crap moments in my week this week but I don’t want to dwell on them because I think there’s already enough negativity in the world right now. But I would like to say this: I am a firm believer that just because other people have it worse than you do, it doesn’t diminish the bad things going on in your life. Even though the world seems to be going to shit, your dark days, lonely moments, or times of stress and unhappiness are no less valid because of it. Many people think things like “what right do I have to feel so sad/depressed/angry/fill in the blank when other people are fighting for their lives and the lives of others?” Every right. You have every every right to feel your feelings despite what’s going on in the world. 

In no way am I saying this to belittle what's happening around the world - it's really truly awful and heartbreaking and I don't want to come off as insensitive to that. I’m also not saying this to give permission to people who want to complain incessantly about the things they're unhappy with in their lives. I just wanted to say this because it’s a hard time of year for a lot of people and I think lots of people feel guilty for feeling their feelings and I just want them to know that it’s ok to feel them. Ya feel me?

Something I’m grateful for: Yesterday I spent the majority of the day listening to all my favourite Canadian song writing women and for a little while everything felt ok. At a time when so much feels not right in the world, having beautiful music to take time to pause and listen to and breathe with is something I am hugely and deeply grateful for.

Something I’m excited for: I have so so so so so much to be excited about this weekend. A friend who I haven’t seen since August is coming for a visit and we have such a fun filled weekend planned! I’m also going to see Chantal Kreviazuk on Saturday night. Excited hardly beings to describe it. I couldn’t find anyone to go with me but I refuse to miss it so I’ll be going solo. I’m a little uncomfortable with the idea of going to a concert by myself but I’m going to press on because can hardly contain my excitement!!!!!

337) Which forgeign language did you have to learn at school? I took French as a requirement from grades 5 through 8 then elected to continue on with it for the rest of high school.

Happy weekending everybody! I hope you manage to get all your last minute Christmas things in order and have an opportunity to feel all your feelings, whatever they may be!

TGIF, UpdatesEmily JohnsonComment